美国AMC电视台从HBO电视台手中偷得《广告狂人 Mad Men》并一炮而红拿奖拿到手软,又从HBO手中继续偷来《Breaking Bad》继续反响不俗,现在AMC又找来两位好莱坞明星詹姆斯·卡维泽(
Thomas and Jack are surprised to see Nikki back at The Lyell, the disappearance of her friend Sally
How far would you go to save the ones you love?
Neve Kelly is dead. She is stuck in limbo and must find out who killed her. This adaptation of the m
Un destacado grupo de presas de Cruz del Sur son trasladadas a la nueva penitenciaría de Cruz del No
BBC惊悚剧集《不眠 Vigil》由《福斯特医生》Suranne Jones、《权力的游戏》Rose Leslie和《摩斯探长前传》Shaun Evans主演。这部剧讲述一艘苏格兰拖网渔船的消失,以.
On a leave of absence from the police force, Luther is laying low in a rundown cottage on the edge o
《杀手信徒 第三季》讲述了当Ryan Hardy试图与一个新恋人过安稳日子时,纽约城再次掀起恐怖谋杀高潮,他被迫重返一线。他往日的死敌Joe Carroll被关在死囚大牢里,只有Mark仍在逃。这种大
With the world's most recognizable city as its backdrop, LONDON KILLS will dramatize the experiences
《保镖 Bodyguard》前女主Keeley Hawes将主演ITV的真实题材英剧《荣誉 Honour》,这部由Gwyneth Hughes执笔﹑Richard Laxton执导的两集剧讲述了现实的